
until then

well UNTIL i find me a new blog home I'm here. As much as I hate it! But i'd rather be able to delete all this with one button then have to burn some little black book(journal).....ehh. So the topic of the day is guys! I don't understand them =/ I'm probably not supposed to but I should be able to have some type of personal fact book with TRUTHS about the opposite sex not me turning stereotypes into real things...I'm so naive in this department and how sad seeing as though i'm almost 20(1 month exactly) but this can't be good! and to be honest I'm tired of it I wonder do I need to be dicked down one good time or what. Not only do I not understand males but like I have no really ultra significant relationships to dwell on I think..I get nervous and don't know how to interact with guys ESPECIALLY ones I have some physical attraction to. I act all weird around guys though like no matter what minus the bestfriend i'm completely comfortable around him head scarf and all but I wish I could be that way with other guys although he tends to remind me i'm doing it all wrong! But he accepts me..I'm afraid i'll be a grown ass woman and single and I can't live without but I have no idea WHAT to do i'm seriously LOST! and it's not even that i'm ugly i just am seriously unexperienced! period. I also get bored easily and am not a very emotional type gal which brings even more headache. I am defensive because I am not a fan of rejection and i'm just getting no where in the dating scene because trust me it's time I have a man. I want one and probably at this point NEED one for learning purposes if nothing else.


-Ms. Single

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