
Pretty Girls

You know something I hate the most is pretty girls with shitty attitudes and fine guys with shitty attitudes too! But what i'm sayin is that shit is so not appealing you can be the finest thang in the world but if you have no real personality that can take you from 60 to 0 fast! Now Wayne said it best(to me he's not a role model but has some good quotes) anyways "You think yo shit don't stank but you are Ms. PU" for some people that is so true!

I mean this is just something i've been noticing just from my experience looks can be decieving and beauty isn't everything! beauty fades. I don't quite understand the complex oh I look good so that gives me the right to act cocky. really i know that pretty people push people away because of like insecurities or because they think their looks alone will lead them to their destiny but no that's not coo it's one thing to be insecure when you have nothing physically to be insecure about but that shit runs deep and it's sad when people confuse that as being cocky some people are just shy. or goin through stuff. but when you're pretty and you know it and you're confident in your looks or what not you should not block out other people for being ugly or whatever that's not fair and that looses you cool points in the long run I just can't stress enough how unattractive that is to have a bad attitude. and then when I see two pretty people together I wonder how deep their connection is because if they have the same mindset and are equally shallow then there's nothing really there and that's sad.

I'm not sure of this is all making sense. I guess the message I hope you get is be concious of your actions evaluate yourself (ugly or pretty it's the same for both sides..) and don't judge a book by its cover. kapeesh?...

one love

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